Again I’ll try to blog, I did have this one before but Word turned against me and just I finished my blogging a pop-up window told me Word was going to shut off because of a fatal error *glares at Word* so all my work was gone … so now here I am, cursing Word and trying … again *glares harder* to do it.
These past months I’ve been suffering with a horrible (and mean) pain on my back, it doesn’t let me sleep, eat, think properly, do my job (and update hehehe); it’s a killer pain! I have been going to the doctor (more than I would want to) to finally get what I want … but what do I want? Well, basically my breast it is too big and heavy for my body, that’s producing lots of pain on my back, neck and waist; also it causes other problems like me looking fatter that I really am and the almost impossible mission of finding the right clothes that suits me (not entering into the bra field cause that is impossible to find!). So here in Colombia we have a medical services provider (I think is like social security in some countries) that deducts an amount of our paychecks (if you don’t work you still have to pay for it or show that you have no way of paying it and they’ll cover it for you until you can) and gives you access to medical attention (it is supposed but sometimes not true), anyway, these medical providers give you drugs, medical attention, everything you need but they don’t do cosmetic surgery. My surgery is not catalogues cosmetic but as some people do reduce their breast because a cosmetic and esthetic issue I have to demonstrate that I am trying to get it done because it is really affecting my health.
So, in order to have my damn surgery done I am willing to jump into the “loss weight” wave that’s going on with the cool kids and set my goal; My weight is now 75Kls (but I do have a lot of weight on my breast that should be deducted…) my goal is to lose 10 kls in the fastest way I can. This means bye bye to delicious yummy fast yunky food like hot dogs, pizzas, hamburgers, milkshakes, chocolate, fried chicken, fat and all those food that smell so darn good but you know it ain’t healthy at all; also bye bye coffee, alcohol and hello veggies, fruits, oat meal, light cereal and my worst fear … EXCERSICE! Yes exercise, for years I have been avoiding it but I am now convinced that I will have to make my peace with it and try it, all for a good cause I will do aerobics, cardio and ABS …and then I will full fit my true desire: having the most beautiful boobs you can imagine ... oh yeah, also no more pain *winks* I have been against the skinny-is-good wave that has made some people go to through eating disorders to get a what fashion sells as cool and sexy; I love my curvy body, and I am sure men do like it too *giggles* but I can lose a few pounds without suffering of starving and staying in the healthy line.